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Saint Dominic Academy is blessed to have benefactors and corporate sponsors who believe a Catholic education is an important part of a young person's development, growth, and preparation for the future.  Our donors provide scholarships based on general or specific criteria.  When completing the FACTS™ Grant & Aid Assessment, you will be asked questions that determine your eligibility for particular scholarships.

To be considered for specific Scholarships, Middle or High School students must upload, through the FACTS application for Grant and Aid, a student essay (300-600 words) addressing one or more of the following:  (a) ways in which the student has shaped the community of Saint Dominic Academy; (b) ways in which the student’s St. Dom’s experience has shaped his or her life; and (c) ways in which the student has taken or will take what they have learned at St. Dom’s into the larger world.


Scholarship Information and Applications


Anne Elizabeth Murphy Lampal Scholarship Fund - For Rising 11th and 12th Graders

Anne (S.D.R.H.S. Class of 1984), like so many of us who passed through the well-worn halls of the former Drouin and Wallace Buildings in Lewiston, was profoundly shaped by her years at St. Dom's.  Those teachers and fellow students who were fortunate enough to know her there were themselves shaped by Anne's own forceful and engaging personality.  This scholarship is available to current St. Dom's sophomores and juniors for the next academic year who can display financial need and must show academic promise and a commitment to enriching the community of Saint Dominic Academy. 

Click here to access the application.


Raymond R. Bedard Endowed Family Scholarship

Ray Bedard attended St. Dom's Regional High School from 1943-47.  He was a member of one of the very first classes to graduate from the school.  While at St. Dom's, Ray quickly made a name for himself.  He was an extraordinary athlete — working through the ranks in various sports including football, hockey, and baseball.  By the time he was a senior, he was the captain of both the hockey and the baseball teams.  He was a member of the 1946 and 1947 Maine State Championship hockey teams and served as the captain of the 1947 team.  He also guided the 1947 hockey team through their first New England competition.  As a baseball player, the St. Louis Cardinals scouted him for his pitching talent — a rarity for a baseball player from Maine.

Not only was Ray a fine athlete, but he was also a leader.  He was well respected by his teammates because he very quietly and methodically knew what it took to lead a team.  He did not boast about his accomplishments and made sure to highlight the individual talents of each team member.  Though he was a quiet leader, to this day many remember his name.  When he was inducted into the St. Dom's Athletic Hall of Fame in 2010, he made sure to include every one of his teammates in accepting his honor because he knew that in order to win a championship it takes a team.  Ray was a very hard worker; taking pride in everything he did and instilled both traits in his family.  Ray strongly believed that everything earned is worked for and not just given.  It is with this in mind that the idea of a scholarship to honor his name was established.

To be an eligible recipient of this $500+ scholarship, students must:

  • Be in good standing with an above average GPA
  • Be involved and dedicated as a team player in any sport
  • Have a strong work ethic, either employed, involved in a charitable organization or other charity work
  • Write a short essay describing how they believe they exemplify the traits of Raymond Bedard and deserve this scholarship.
Laurianne Cormier Memorial Scholarship

Louise and Raymond Jean have chosen to honor her mother, Laurianne Michaud Cormier, through an endowed Saint Dominic Academy fund.

Laurianne Michaud was born in Lewiston, Maine on July 12, 1912.  She graduated from a legacy institution, "Le Cours Superieur", at the age of 16.  Due to her father's untimely death, Laurianne went to work to help support her mother and five younger siblings after graduation.  Her dream of becoming a nurse remained unfulfilled. 

Laurianne married Phillippe Cormier in 1940 and raised two daughters, Anita Cormier Goulet, and Louise Cormier Jean, both of whom graduated from Saint Dominic High School.  In her retirement, Laurianne became a volunteer at St. Mary's Regional Medical Center.  She dedicated 35 years to St. Mary's, accumulating almost 20,000 hours of service.  She loved the environment and especially enjoyed interacting with the nursing staff.  Just weeks before her death on June 23, 2015, and two weeks shy of her 103rd birthday, she was still attending to her duties at St. Mary's. 

Her age does not diminish but magnifies the enormity of our loss.  She became a role model not only for the family but also the community.

In testimony to her amazing life, we request that the scholarship recipients donate some time as volunteers at St. Mary's Regional Medical Center, in addition to being good students.

Additional Scholarships*:

*These non-application scholarships are awarded by the school in conjunction with tuition assistance awards.
  • Dion Family Foundation - For Rising Ninth Graders
  • Diane Robitaille Memorial Scholarship - For Rising 12th Graders
  • Bob Boucher Scholarship - upperclassmen
  • Gendron Family Scholarship – Grades K – 8 
  • Trinity Scholarship – Grades K – 8 
  • G. Michael Welch Scholarship - upperclassmen 
  • Kremer Foundation – K – 8 
  • Adrienne Richard Endowment Fund
  • Stevens Family Scholarship 
  • Dominican Sisters Scholarship 
  • Michaud Family Scholarship 
  • Fuller Family Scholarship 
  • Berube Family Scholarship 
  • Family Wealth Management Partners of UBS Financial Services, Inc. Scholarship in honor of Daniel Wellehan ‘51 
  • SDA Alumni Association Scholarship