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At St. Dom's, we strive to develop students that are spiritually developed and socially engaged.  Through our community service program, students gain a deeper understanding of community, awareness, and responsibility.  Students are required to engage in community service each year while attending St. Dom's beginning in seventh grade.  Below are examples of community service activities participated in by St. Dom's students.

Key Club

Key Club is a service organization for students to volunteer in the school and around the community.  Key Club sponsors a “Date Night” at the Auburn Campus each fall.  Parents are encouraged to drop their child(ren) off and go out for a date or take care of early Christmas shopping.  Key Club asks for a donation of three canned goods per child.  All donations will support the Key Club’s Thanksgiving Food Drive.

Coats for Kids Campaign

As part of St. Dom’s annual preparation for Advent and our retreat, the Lewiston Campus will be taking part in a service project that will lend “helping hands” to WCSH’s Coats for Kids campaign. For more information on donating, please contact Pre-K teacher Kristine Fox. 

Fifth Grade Food Drive

The fifth-grade students fill the shelves of Saint Mary’s Food Pantry. This effort is a community service project that all fifth-grade students participate in. Food donations can be made to any fifth-grade student or dropped off to the Lewiston Campus. Canned, boxed and bagged goods are preferred. Please do not donate perishable goods (produce, etc.). For further details, please contact the Lewiston Campus at 207.783.9323.

Random Acts of Kindness

Eighth-grade students participate in Random Acts of Kindness throughout their eighth-grade year.  In the fall of 2019, the eighth graders chose to support Lewiston High School's program, The Store Next Door.  This program works to eliminate barriers to education for youth experiencing homelessness, displacement, and high mobility within Lewiston by addressing students' basic needs.  Eighth-graders are collecting items from the following list until November 8.  Items may be dropped off at the Auburn Campus during regular school hours. 

Mission to Mississippi

Mission to Mississippi students make an impact in our community throughout their senior year.  Every fall students go out to rake leaves at Mount Hope Cemetery and paint parts of St. Dom's Lewiston Campus (photos below).  Each spring, seniors extend their experience outside Maine and spend their Spring Break in Mound Bayou, Mississippi where they help rebuild the community through service projects. The Mission Mississippi program began in 1998 by former Principal Mike Welch.