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All students are required to take and complete three (3) years of a science, and half (.5) a year of health to be graduated from Saint Dominic Academy. Listed below are the courses for students to choose from to fulfill their requirement. Students are encouraged to take more than the required courses if they are pursuing a medical or science field.
  • 145 BIOLOGY — COLLEGE  (1 credit)
This course in biology introduces students to those properties that are unique to and define life. Organisms from the simplest unicellular to the most complex multicellular are studied from both a taxonomic and systemic approach. Laboratory investigations and special projects supplement the material presented in class.
  • 146 BIOLOGY — HONORS (1 credit)
This course deals with the properties that are unique to living organisms. The biochemical, cellular, and genetic basis of life is studied in detail in order that life processes at higher levels might be better understood. Cytology, genetics, taxonomy, microbiology, and zoology are some of the major topics to be covered. Laboratory investigations are conducted in order to help students gain a better understanding of principles covered in class.
  • 153 CHEMISTRY — COLLEGE  (1 credit)
This course is designed to introduce the college preparatory student to the ideas of chemical principles as they apply to everyday life and to practice a qualitative description of those principles. The phenomena studied include the structure of atoms and molecules, periodic properties, principles of chemical reactions, energy and transfer of heat as well as applications of gas laws. This introductory course integrates theoretical concepts and laws with related laboratory experiments.
PREREQUISITE:   Satisfactory completion of previous mathematics and science courses.
                          (Algebra II/Trig. may be taken concurrently with Chemistry)
  • 155 CHEMISTRY — HONORS (1 credit)
This course requires the study of chemical principles from a quantitatively rigorous point of view and is specially designed for students who wish to hold open the option of pursuing scientific, technical, or medical careers. Major topics of study include atomic and molecular theory, types of reactions and bonding, inorganic chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry; properties of solutions and principles of molarity and titration in acid-base reactions. The course focus is on the writing and development of formal laboratory reports, integration of Algebra II skills in multi-step problem solving and discussion/explanation of various chemical principles. The course integrates theoretical concepts with laboratory experiments.
PREREQUISITE: Satisfactory completion of previous mathematics and science courses, with at least a “B” average.
                          (Algebra II Honors may be taken concurrently with Chemistry Honors)
  • 734 ADVANCED CHEMISTRY - HH (1credit) — Juniors and Seniors
This course will cover topics not included in Honors Chemistry such as:
Gases – Pressure, Boyle’s Law, Charles Law, Ideal Gas Law
Liquids and Solids – Phase Changes, Evaporation, Vapor Pressure
Solutions – Solubility, Molarity, Dilution, Normality
Acid and Bases – Acid Strength, ph Scale, Buffered Solutions
Equilibrium – Equilibrium  Condition, Chemical Equilibrium,
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions and Electrochemistry – Oxidation States, Batteries
Radioactivity – Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Fusion
Organic Chemistry
  • 215 PHYSICS — HONORS (1 credit) - SENIORS ONLY
Honors Physics is an in-depth, inquiry-based class that is designed for advanced science students. This rigorous course utilizes theoretical and physical models to promote the understanding of the concepts and the mathematical relationships associated with mechanics, energy, waves and optics, and electricity and magnetism. In addition to a strong science aptitude, a thorough understanding and facility in algebra, geometry and right triangle trigonometry are essential. Physics is recommended for college-bound students interested in science and math. Students must have a basic scientific calculator.
PREREQUISITE: "B" in Algebra II Honors and Trig. Honors and/or permission of the Guidance Department.
AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based is the equivalent of a first-semester college course in algebra-based physics, but it is designed to be taught over the full academic year to enable AP students to develop a deep understanding of the content and to focus on applying their knowledge through inquiry labs. The course covers Newtonian mechanics (including rotational dynamics and angular momentum); work, energy, and power; and mechanical waves and sound. It also introduces electric circuits.
AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based is the equivalent of a second-semester college course in algebra-based physics, but it is designed to be taught over the full academic year to enable AP students to develop a deep understanding of the content and to focus on applying their knowledge through inquiry labs. The course covers fluid mechanics; thermodynamics; electricity and magnetism; optics; and atomic and nuclear physics.
  • 705 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY — HH (1 credit)
Anatomy and Physiology is an advanced course intended for students interested in the health-related fields and who wish to pursue the study of the human body systems from the structural and functional perspectives. The anatomy of each system is approached at the gross and microscopic levels. Students are expected to master anatomical and physiological concepts with the help of lectures, laboratory sessions, and special projects. Detailed dissection of the mink enables students to visualize the systems in relation to one another and to come to an understanding and appreciation of the intimate connection between structure and function of organs and systems.
PREREQUISITE: "B" in biology and chemistry or permission of the Guidance Department
AP Biology is a course that is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester college introductory biology course usually taken by biology majors. The two main goals of AP Biology are to help students develop a conceptual framework for modern biology and to gain an appreciation of science as a process. The major topics included in AP Biology are molecules and cells, genetics, heredity and evolution, and animal communities and populations. Laboratory assignments will account for approximately one-quarter of the course and will require a higher level of problem-solving, research methods, data recording and interpretation, and laboratory techniques. Projects and individual study will accompany lectures to prepare students for collegiate study in the biological sciences.
PREREQUISITE: "B" in biology and chemistry or permission of the Guidance Department.
                           Anatomy and Physiology Recommended.
This one-semester course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of programming and robotics. Programming and building robots applies science, technology, engineering and math concepts. For more information about our Robotics Team click here
  • 910 — Environmental Science H
Environmental Science is the study of interrelationships between human activities and the environment. This honors level course will use scientific knowledge about the natural world, as well as an understanding about ways in which humans interact with the natural world. We examine effects of human actions on the environment, and the means by which policies, regulations, and decisions influence human actions with a strong emphasis in biology, geology, and chemistry.  Laboratory investigations are conducted to help students gain a better understanding of principles covered in class
  • 912 — Conceptual Physics CP
As humans, we all must daily interact with the physical world around us. When we not only observe, but also understand the rules of nature that govern our physical world we are more fulfilled, and well-rounded individuals. Physics is a basic science. It is the foundation for biology, chemistry, geology, and all other sciences. Therefore, what you learn in Conceptual Physics will be the basis on which all your knowledge from the disciplines of science builds. While the rules of nature can often be described mathematically, it is not the only way to describe them. It is the goal of Conceptual Physics to facilitate your understanding of the rules of nature by learning their foundations, not by learning their mathematical derivations.
  • 909 — Forensics H (Fundamentals and Investigations)
This course focuses on the types of evidence and techniques behind crime scene investigation and forensic science. We will study true-life stories and use physics, chemistry, anatomy, cell biology, environmental science and computer science in the process of learning about forensic science. You will study topics such as collection, handling and analysis of trace evidence such as hair, fibers and soil; finger prints, DNA analysis, forensic botany and firearms and ballistics. This course should help you see how science is used to answer questions rather than just learning science concepts. It should be a very enjoyable course.
  • 911 CP / 914 H — Earth and Space Science
This class will be a Socratic-dialogue driven, collaborative learning introduction to Astronomy and Earth Science. It is designed to elicit your curiosity and understanding of the universe and our home planet’s relationship to the cosmos. We will study the stars and the night sky, fundamentals of Astronomy, the nature of light, our solar system, galaxies, and current understanding our universe.  The Earth Science component will focus on our dynamic Earth, how it formed and processes such as plate tectonics.