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It is very important that our school provides an opportunity for students to have time to grow closer to God and to serve their neighbors each week. We have put in place a weekly mass schedule:

Lewiston Campus Mass on Mondays at 8:30am.


Auburn Campus Mass on Fridays at 9:20am.


Morning Prayer

Lewiston Campus: Morning prayer will take place in the hall on their respective floors at the beginning of the day and will be led by Mr. Yorkey and Sr. Francesca.  Unfortunately, parents will not be able to join us for morning prayer. Parents are allowed to attend mass.

Auburn Campus Middle School: Morning prayer will take place in individual classrooms at the beginning of the day and will be led by teachers with input from students.  

Auburn Campus High School: Morning prayer will take place in individual classrooms at the beginning of the 1st period and will be led by Assistant Chaplain teams with input from students.


Retreats are back!!  All activities, meals, overnights, and transportation will resume.  Retreats normally take place at overnight retreat centers.  The number of parent volunteers participating at retreats will depend on the class.

Grades 6-12 Community Service Requirement

Community service hour requirements for each grade for the 2022-2023 academic year are listed below.   For more information, please contact Sr. Christianna.

Community Service Forms 2023-2024

7th - 4hrs

8th - 8hrs

9th - 12hrs

10th - 16 hrs

11th - 20hrs

12th - Senior involvement in the month of May.


Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental preparation will continue to take place in local parishes.  Use this link to find your Parish contact info.

Diocese of Portland Parishes

If you have any questions about our Sacramental Program, feel free to contact the Price of Peace Parish at 777-1200.